Welcome to SmART

Your guide to using simple video production for teaching and learning

The Smartphone Accommodation Resource Toolbox (SmART) is an online platform that supports the use of video production and interactive feedback tools for teaching and learning.

Simple video production and interactive feedback tools can:

— make learning more accessible and inclusive

— better connect with students in online courses

— support innovative teaching approaches

Watch the brief introductory video to find out why incorporating video production and interactive feedback tools can benefit you and your students.

The SmART Toolbox Resources

guidance on making practice-based videos

Video Production

resources which provide guidance on making practice-based videos

guidance on making practice-based videos

Video Feedback

resources which demonstrate assessment tools and practices using video technology

guidance on making practice-based videos

Technique Illustration

resources that include examples of assignments and student work including “task-trainer” creation

guidance on making practice-based videos

Digital Citizenship

covers ethics, privacy and security as it relates to video production for teaching and learning

After extensive research and surveys, we found that students and instructors alike were interested in integrating the use of smartphone video production into practical learning courses, and wanted to learn more about video production techniques and the time-saving tips, the affordances of interactive feedback tools, as well as ethics promising practices.

Iris Epstein, SmART Project Lead, RN; PhD Faculty of Health, School of Nursing
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