
How do I ensure good lighting?

Some tips you can keep in mind when finding the perfect lighting for your video are available here:  https://www.techsmith.com/blog/get-perfect-lighting-video/


How do I ensure good sound quality?

Some great tips for getting better sound in your smartphone videos are available here: https://learning.linkedin.com/blog/film-advice/3-simple-tricks-to-record-great-audio-with-your-phone

How do I record with my smartphone?

You should always record video horizontally. It maintains the correct aspect ratio to playback on all video players. In other words, the video will fill the whole screen when played back on your laptop or uploaded to YouTube. If you record a video vertically it creates two black strips on either side of the video during playback to fit the height of the video and therefore does not use the full screen. Additionally, here are some other great tips to keep in mind when recording with your smartphone, https://wistia.com/learn/production/shooting-video-with-an-iphone

How do I record my iPhone screen?

Screen recording is build in to iPhone.

        1. To record you screen on iPhone see the tutorial here:  https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT207935
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