
What features are available in Moodle for discussion and feedback?

Moodle can help facilitate class discussions and feedback online. Some suggestions to do so are listed below:

  1. Create a Forum in Moodle:
  2. Use the survey/questionnaire (see polling FAQ)
  3. Blog in moodle.
  4. Create groups for students to respond to a particular video. Groups in moodle –




How do I record my screen using Moodle with TechSmithrelay (Camtesia)?

York University Faculty teaching a course with Moodle get access to the free TechSmithrelay (Camtesia) screen recorder.

  1. Request moodle:
  2. Request TechsmithRelay (tie to a course and include a screen recorder feature)
  3. Upload screen recording:
    1. Then navigate to computing faculty and staff  > teaching and research > lecture recording at York > techsmithrelay
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