Get involved by beta-testing SmART in January 2020

Are you teaching a course where practical knowledge, hands-on skills, and situated learning are central to your course design? Are you interested in exploring a cost effective accessible option of smartphone video tools to connect with students in F2F, blended and/or elearning contexts? Studies demonstrate that when students record themselves performing a skill and receive feedback, there is an increase in students’ feeling of connectedness and engagement in a community of learners, as well as increased their practice-based skill (e.g., in health and nursing, engineering, dance).

SmART was originally created as an accommodation resources for students with performance anxiety and students in remote communities. After extensive research, we found that students and instructors alike were interested, more broadly, in integrating the use of student smartphone video production and video-based instructor feedback into practical/professional courses (like nursing) and wanted to learn more about video production techniques and the affordances of interactive feedback tools, as well as “best practices” for ethics and data security. SmART is an online platform developed by students, faculty and staff for students, faculty and staff.

The Smartphone Accommodation Resource Toolbox (SmART) is an online platform developed to support teaching and learning through the use of smartphone video production and interactive video feedback tools.

Beta Tester Enrolment

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