Media used in this video: smartphone video app; Online learning system (e.g., Moodle)
Media used in this video: smartphone video app; Online learning system (e.g., Moodle)
Media used in this video: Emailing student or peer written copy of evaluation grid
Media used in this video: Laptop Computer, Video storage and editing (e.g. Youtube)
Media used in this video: Video conferencing (e.g. Zoom)
Media used in this video: Screen recording (e.g. Quick Time; DU recorder); video interactive (H5P); Online learning system (Moodle)
Media used in this video: Smartphone video app.
Media used: One small function of a video editing software (e.g iMovie) was used to add the “version” of each dance movement.
Media used: Smartphone video app.
Media used in this video: Video editing software (e.g., Shotcut- includes text annotation; a video blurring technology to protect privacy and ensure anonymity) and free shared sound site (
Custom Silicone Model Creation